Tag: webdevsimplified

  • JavaScript Cookies vs Local Storage vs Session

    The ability to quickly store information on a user’s browser is an incredibly under used, powerful feature of JavaScript, and this is partially because of how unwieldy it used to be. In this video I am going to discuss the differences between cookies, local storage, and session storage, and how dealing with browser storage has…

  • Build A Clock With JavaScript

    One of the best projects for learning CSS and JavaScript is an analog clock. Creating an analog clock teaches you how to use absolute position and transform in many different ways. It also forces you to learn how to modify your CSS with JavaScript. Lastly, it is a beginner friendly project which makes it perfect…

  • JavaScript Async Await

    One of the hardest things about writing good JavaScript is dealing with heavily nested asynchronous code. Promises were created to solve the problem with callback hell, but there are still plenty of nested problems related to promises. This is where async/await comes in. JavaScript added async/await to allows developers to write asynchronous code in a…

  • Build A Quiz App With JavaScript

    In this video I will be breaking down the entire process of building a quiz application using JavaScript. We will also be styling the entire application using modern styling practices. This video will not only teach you how to build a quiz application, but it will breakdown the steps you need to take when building…

  • Build Tic Tac Toe With JavaScript – Tutorial

    Learning web development can be tough and boring, but it doesn’t have to be. In this video we take a look at creating an advanced JavaScript tic tac toe game. This is a great project for anyone that wants to create a fun project while learning advanced JavaScript and CSS concepts. 📚 Materials/References: GitHub Code:…

  • Build A Speed Typing Game With JavaScript – Tutorial

    Learning web development can be tough and boring, but it doesn’t have to be. In this video we take a look at creating a simple JavaScript speed typing game. This is a great project for anyone just getting started with JavaScript/CSS or anyone that wants to create a fun project since it covers important concepts…

  • Build A Password Generator With JavaScript – Tutorial

    Learning web development can be tough and boring, but it doesn’t have to be. In this video we take a look at creating a simple JavaScript password generator with multiple generation options. This is a great project for anyone just getting started with JavaScript or anyone that wants to create a fun project because it…

  • JavaScript Shopping Cart Tutorial for Beginners

    In this video we will learn how to utilize JavaScript to add functionality to a shopping cart. We will cover how to check if the document is loaded, and how to query the document for elements by class, how to add events to elements. We will then combine all of these techniques to make the…

  • JavaScript Promises In 10 Minutes

    ES6 came with many new features, but one of the best features was the official introduction of Promises. Promises allow you to write clean non-callback-centric code without ever having to worry about callback hell. Even if you never write your own promise, knowing how they work is incredibly important, since many newer parts of the…

  • Easy Face Recognition Tutorial With JavaScript

    In this video we will be setting up face recognition for any image using AI. This AI is able to recognize the name of every character in an image very quickly without much performance overhead. We will be using the Face API JS library built on Tensor Flow to setup the face recognition. By the…