Tag: wordpress

  • WordPress Tutorial Part 1 : Installing WordPress With Cpanel and phpMyadmin | MySQL Database

    WordPress Tutorial Part 1 : Installing WordPress With Cpanel and phpMyadmin | MySQL Database

    Today I Start WordPress Tutorial Series in This Video I Teach You To Install WordPress With cPanel and phpMyAdmin or MySQl Database . In this Video You … Original source

  • Super CSS con SASS #04 – Utilizzare Sass con Bootstrap

    Super CSS con SASS #04 – Utilizzare Sass con Bootstrap

    [ad_1] https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iefvhene6g0/hqdefault.jpg Concludiamo la serie su Sass vedendo una applicazione avanzata del suo utilizzo ovvero Bootstrap. In questo video vedremo come strutturare un progetto Sass con Bootstrap. Scarica il codice creato qui: http://www.marchettidesign.net/moduli/one-page-scroll.html – Temi WordPress FREE WLOW: www.marchettidesign.net/wlow Fullby: http://www.marchettidesign.net/fullby/ Gridby: http://www.marchettidesign.net/gridby/ Swipy: http://www.marchettidesign.net/swipy/ Fullbase: https://it.wordpress.org/themes/fullbase/ – Twitter: https://twitter.com/AfMarchetti Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarchettiDesignnet-140329246021912/ Github: https://github.com/afmarchetti/ Codepen:…

  • php login demo with mysqll database login example, php tutorial

    php login demo with mysqll database login example, php tutorial

    in this video we learn about login demo on php, here we learn how to create login example with php and mysql database. using core php. Original source

  • database tutorial backup MySQL database & restore it

    database tutorial backup MySQL database & restore it

    In this database administartion tutorial I am talking about how to easily backup sql database and restore databases using phpMyAdmin. The video is short and … source

  • Language? What language?

    Language? What language?

    After battling it out with the language files on my wife’s blog for about 3 hours I was finally able to get  Buddypress and BBPress working in Spanish. Trust me it isn’t as straight forward as you might think and all the tuts out there always seem to miss something or they aren’t valid for…

  • If you use WordPress you need to read this!

    If you use WordPress you need to read this!

          If you use WP you really need to check out the following article from Siobhan McKeown over at wpmu.org. Like me you prabably love free things and who doesn’t? But those freebies could run you into loads of trouble or reek havok on your site. Remember, cheap is expensive in the long…

  • What to do if a plugin breaks your wordpress install.

        Oh, sh*t!!! What just happened??? You’ve installed a new plugin with all the happiness and enthusiasm in the world and now you get the blank screen of WordPress death. Now what do you do? Well, hopefully I can give you a hand by sharing some of the things I have done to get…