Top 10 Things to Master for Advanced JavaScript

Dev Mountain Coding Bootcamp

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Here is a quick list of things I put together that a lot of JavaScript developers struggle with. I am probably missing a few items on this list but I feel the ones I did mention are pretty significant.

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20 responses to “Top 10 Things to Master for Advanced JavaScript”

  1. Anyone know why I cant fastforward this shit on an iPad? Its good but not regular speed good. I need some of that 2x action to get through this.

  2. Great video! What should I do if all mentioned things are my second nature? (except typescript) ๐Ÿ™‚

    I would add to this list: call, bind & apply and GIT. Maybe not only related to JS but git is lifesaver

  3. JavaScript is an impure functional language. it has imperative design obviously but you can write everything in a functional manner if you want. react for example uses immutable data structures to restrict state which is much more functional then imperative. of course functional languages can have classes as well and JavaScript's prototype system is unlike many of the other object oriented languages. my feeling is that when they implemented objects into JavaScript they used prototyping because the language was probably designed with a functional paradyme in mind.

  4. Thanks that was really helpful, can you provide us a good resources to learn the advanced things in javascript …. because I feel like I am wasting my time I learned the basics but I can't make real apps or small libraries that can approve what I have learned can you give me tips, thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

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