Top 5: Get started with bash scripting, tips for JSON in MySQL, and more


In this week’s Top 5, we highlight text editor tips, managing macOS, and several takes on programming.

Top 5 articles of the week

5. 3 types of useful Atom text editor packages for writers

Coming in at number five, Community Moderator Scott Nesbitt shares three plugins for the Atom editor that writers may find useful. I installed Atom as a result of this post. If you do any writing, you’ll want to give it a read, too.

4. 8 open source tools for managing macOS

At number four is “8 open source tools for managing macOS” by Lucas Hall. Nothing is harder for sysadmins than maintaining a fleet of one-off machines. In this article, Lucas shares tools that can help you keep your macOS devices in line.

3. How to work with dates and time with Python

On a related note, nothing is harder for programmers than dates and time. At number three this week, Mario Corchero presents a great introduction to using Python date modules for fun and profit. He’s presenting on this topic at PyCon on Saturday, May 20th, so if you’re in Portland, check it out.

2. What you need to know about JSON in MySQL

The number two article this week is “What you need to know about JSON in MySQL”. Dave Stokes explains how the native JSON data type blurs the line between SQL and NoSQL databases. MySQL 8, currently in developer milestone release, adds new features to improve JSON support.

1. How I got started with bash scripting

And the top article this week comes to us from Sandra McCann. She tells the story of how a few Google searches helped her get started with shell scripting. The comments have some great advice for new scripters and veterans alike.


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