CodersCult Free PHP Training Webinar 001 – Topic: Understanding PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS and Javascript and their Roles in …
Understanding PHP, MySQL, HTML and CSS and their Roles in Web Development – CodersCult Webinar 001

38 responses to “Understanding PHP, MySQL, HTML and CSS and their Roles in Web Development – CodersCult Webinar 001”
Thank you for video
This is a very good general overview of the basic processing to a web site.
I am TRYING to teach myself to code so that I can create MY BIG IDEA ( I dont have the money to pay others to create my idea so trying to teach myself ) .
I have done a lot of reading and starting to get bogged down and confused but this basic video has helped clarify each process which helps explain things better. I am more of a visual person and you have explained things well.
Where can I get the code you used for PHP Training #001
PHP is a used to create dynamic websites. PHP is a stable and very popular programming language. There are many PHP developers these days.For website development , there are 5 concepts that are necessary for every PHP developer i.e; PHP, CSS, HTML , SQL and JAVA-SCRIPT. For website designing, HTML and CSS are compulsory. HTML is used to create the contents of the website and CSS is used to create the layout o the website. The fresh developers can choose between PHP, JAVA and .NET but CSS, HTML and JAVASCRIPT are the core concepts.
at about 11:40, He types in 7 and clicks "Check my Answer", receives no feedback and says that HTML is always static.
I know that in HTML one can have links on the web page that are clickable and in case of a click a new request is sent to the server which in turn sends back a new HTML page.
My question is whether it's possible for the server to send back a specific HTML response, one that's identical to the original page but with a line that says "correct answer", if the client types in a certain input (like 5) or is the whole point that you can NEVER interact with a server with only HTML?
How do we download these videos?
Mikez Lope
Benja Arriol
Bills Gate
Steves Job
Toms Hank
Thanks for this tutorial. Very helpful!
Does anyone know a good cheap hosting where I can start practicing html and php?
wow the beset of learn to php
CodersCult, thank you so much for the all 3 tutorials! Finish today. I already had some notions on HTML5/CSS, but the problem was the PHP. Don`t know how it works really, because i`ve listen some website "build in PHP", but now i know that it was server side script and how it fits on the website, so because of all of your learnings i`ve got that knowledge! Thank you so much for the hard work! You Guys you help me alot! Now time to work on my website!
Very nice vid. Informative and clear. One question, tho : What software/ tool have you used to access ur SQL db ?
Actually, adding 2 single digit numbers would result in [0 to 19], not [2 to 20]. But anyway….
"Toms Hank"
Very nicely explained in a simple manner. It gives a clear and basic understanding about their relationship.
Good job !!!
Oh shut the fuck up! Goodbye!!!
Very informative. Thank you.
Nice, Very Infomative tutorial
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Mike thank you… so much
Very useful
the best idiot guide to web developer wannabe
My compliments to the presenters of this tutorial, specifically at 10:00 minutes into the video! This, for me, is the clearest broad overview, explanation, of how HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, and MySql work together. Excellent job in presenting this! Much appreciated!! I wish you could also provide tutorials in other languages such as Ruby On Rails.
Thank you!!!! I have been looking for a lesson like this for some time.
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5:50 to cut the crap
Very informative!! thanks for the clear explanation!!
Nice video! Specially to Mike
Im impressed by your explanation on php + sql. Thanks, learned alot!
Very Clear explained. thxx !!!
23:13 "Shit one, shit two"
22:59 "A spread shit file"
This is brilliant I will definitely use this in my teaching class
5:25 skip intro
What IDE or text editor are you using?
tell me how can i download this video?