Vivian Maier´s photographs (1926 – 2009)

Josefina Severino

John Maloof
“the man who took Vivian Maier
from the storage bin to the Academy Awards”

-Je Crois Entendre En core / George Bizet
-Valse Triste / Jean Sibelius
-The Dying Swan (Carnival of Animals) / Camille Saint-Saëns
-Gabriel Oboe and The Falls / Ennio Morricone

Thanks to John Maloof we know Vivian Maier work
and we have an idea of her life behind the camera.
Maloof was writing a book on history when he happened
upon pieces of Vivian Maier work. He had the sensibility
to understand what he had at hand and the generosity
to share with us the work of a great photographer.

Original source

30 responses to “Vivian Maier´s photographs (1926 – 2009)”

  1. Josefina, hermosa recopilación de imágenes de esa excelente fotógrafo que fue Vivian Maier. Es un poema visual lo que has compartido, aderezado con la cadencia musical que despierta los sentidos para adentrarnos en el mágico mundo que el intelecto y el prodigioso ojo de Maier supo plasmar y dejar como legado. Aun no he visto el documental de Maloof, pero estoy seguro que debe ser un banquete visual y sensorial. Gracias nuevamente por este trabajo. DIOS te siga bendiciendo!!!

  2. Fantastic exhibition of this great and incredible woman photographer by passion. Through images we perceive the life of many people as a story, I find his photographs fantastic. Too bad he hasn't enjoyed his well-deserved worldwide success.❤️

  3. 한국인으로 태어난 것은 영광입니다 .
    정법강의(우리국민 인성교육)들을수 있는것도 영광입니다. 우울증, 자살자 없어져요
    우리사회..인류사회 맑아져요
    유튜브..정법. 우울증 검색해 보세요,
    그리고 마음속에 한이 가득하신분은
    유튜브 도원 대학당'' 화병다스리기 편'' 검색하셔서 마음속의 묵은 때를 정리하시고
    나날이 복되고 행복한 날 맑은 날 되십시요~~^^♡♡♡♡♡

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