Discover How to Assign Color Profiles to Instantly Make the Colors Come to Life with Photoshop! In this video, we will discuss an unconventional, easy, and super-fast technique to enhance colors.
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26 responses to “Weird "Color Profile" Trick to Instantly Make Colors Pop! – Photoshop Tutorial”
Can never get enough of your videos. Awesome as ever
Good luck printing that
WITCHCRAFT!!! I swear this man is a magical being hiding out as a Youtuber!
salam dari bogor , jangan lupa mampir balik…
But You didn't show the other situation, when your workspace is in sRGB and You open an AdobeRGB image – the image will be less saturated … When I worked in a photostudio, there were problems with clients who brings photoes to print in Adobe RGB (cos printed had profile in sRGB)
Thank you very much information video…
Bro Hindi m tutorials de diya karo please
Please make vedio architectural visualization and interiors render.
Please make video on how to make extremely saturated thumbnails
Please make video on how to make extremely saturated thumbnails
Hey! And what would be the difference between doing that and adding more saturation? sRGB and Adobe color have a bit of difference in the colour spectrum. So sRGB won’t never look like Adobe, and it also depends on the screen… I’m missing something here?
I will try this tho I kind of doubt it will work for posts on social medias for example because these color profiles can be very tricky. You can see the colors in your photoshop one way but once u post it, the colors are different. Here is what I do.
Edit > convert to profile > the srgb profile u saw in the video > file > export as > jpg 100% convert to srgb(even tho it's already srgb..).
Important, once u do that your whole project will be merged into one layer so once u export the image, make sure to ctrl Z so u can get ur project layer back.
PS this doesn't have anything to do with the monitor calibration, yes the calibration is important but u should know that if u work in a particular profile in photoshop, the colors u see will be different after posting unless u use my method(itz not mine but I spent lots of time looking for it on the internet)
Hi what monitor are you using? Can it display Adobe RGB color gamut? Is your monitor showing the ADOBE RGB 1998 color gamut when you're explaining the video? I've been told to edit first with the widest color gamut (Profoto RGB or ADOBE RGB 1998), then convert it to Srgb for online use. Because many professional photographers' monitors can display 99-100% Adobe RGB 1998. Even Apple's monitors are mostly DCI-I P3 colour space with a color gamut higher than Srgb. Is that right?
Hm I wounder If It works the same in Capture one och Affinity Photo?
Does It just brighten and make colors pop but don't realy create the full AdobeRGB color space in an sRGB file? But it looks great.
Does it really not change the colors?
Bro plz help how to same colour in Android mobile and laptop or desktop!? Plz make any solution
Which version of Photoshop is best sir ??
This is awesome
Love this
Would this apply in Lightroom?
I actually abandoned Adobe RGB and prophoto RGB recently in favour of just keeping life simple and editing in SRGB. I take a lot of night photos and because Adobe is a larger space it actually introduces a faded black to a lot of the shadows which I would always try to get rid of cos it looked bad. SRGB being a smaller space slightly crunches the shadows and looks more natural to me
besides, it’s either going on the web or getting printed at which point it all changes hugely anyway. I find it much simpler to stick with one profile for everything.
I start to use PS where can I learn all this nice tricks?? Where did you learn all of this wahts you showing here in your Videos?? Thanks
I think you solved a mystery I had been dealing with for many years. When I saved my photos in .jpg or .tif, they always looked different from photos (in .psd) I was viewing on Photoshop. There is an option to select sRGB when we go to Save As. The option was converting the color profile, so the results looked different.