What is your open source New Year's resolution?


For many people, the start of a new year is a time for reflection and resolving to do new things. For some, these decisions are inward-facing, or even deeply personal. We hope to take steps in the new year to become more healthy, wealthy, wise.

But some may also take this time of year to reflect on the greater world around us and where we sit within it. We think of the people and organizations that have helped us become who we are, and think about ways that we can help make them stronger and able to help others.

Whether you came to open source from a desire for personal freedom, a desire to share, or simply a desire to do things that wouldn’t be possible with proprietary software and idea, we hope you’ll take 2017 to give something back to the open source community. And if you’re already an avid open source contributor, perhaps the new year is a good time to bring someone new into the fold, or think about a new way to give back.

How will open source be a part of your new year?


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