What Makes Javascript Weird…and AWESOME – Pt 1

Javascript is so weird…and so AWESOME.
There are 5 root things that make it this way. If you’re new, learning to grasp these 5 concepts will get you a LONG WAY in your JS programming.

Honestly, there are a LOT of intermediate programmers who don’t understand these concepts. Many coders who know how to work around them don’t really understand how and why it works, they just know do-this-and-it-works.

Here’s video 1, First-Class Functions

Watch the full playlist:

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40 responses to “What Makes Javascript Weird…and AWESOME – Pt 1”

  1. do you have any tutorials showing how to set up a member signup for a website ? and if not are you by any chance planing to do so at some point ? and is there an online website that contains all the code syntax for js like the msdn website for c# or all the microsoft languages have ?

  2. Awesome videos!
    Btw. where does the name "First Class Function" come from?
    Try adding the keyboard shortcuts you use in your videos, for example what you used in this one to comment out multiple lines instantly. That would be the icing on your cake!

  3. I jumped over here from someone on treehouse saying how this is explained better. How can I understand this in 4 minutes after I've been on full stack javascript for like 3 weeks?! wat.

  4. Thank you very much for such a short and very informative video.
    I have a small and silly question. I am still wondering, why you are calling it as "First class functions" ? and why not "Higher Order Functions" or something like this ?

  5. what is the use of passing functions as first class objects for doing syncrohonous callbacks , I mean we simply could have done something like

    why do we need to pass callback function as a parameter?

  6. Hi,

    I am interested in your DEV environment.  Here are some of my observations, please correct me if I am wrong.  It looks like that you are developing in Mac.  On the left of your window, you are using sublime text as editor.  On the right you are using chrome with developer tool.  You are running a web server in localhost.  What type of web server you are running?  After you change something in editor, the content (e.g. console output) is changed immediately.  How do you do that?  Do we have similar options to develop in Window?  Thanks!

  7. This is something which exists in many other languages, and if someone doesn't understand it – what is the point of using JS? This simple conception here shows very basic stuff which in my opinion must be studied in any university. Sure the syntax is a little bit different but to pass functions to another exists perhaps since OOP is created.
    And also I do think there are not so many developers who do not understand it.

  8. Just wanted to say that you videos (especillay the ones on jQuery) helped me a lot! And this 5 episodes series that you are making right now are helping me understand even better how things really work when I write code in JS – so THANKS man!! For me your videos are the best when it comes to frontend dev and even understand some backend concepts. THANKS!

  9. You could also show the function declaration into variable as you mentioned that functions are treated as variables. So something like:

    var add = function(a, b) { console.log(a+b); }

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