This is an overview of what things you can do using Autodesk Maya.
This is an overview of what things you can do using Autodesk Maya.
20 responses to “What you can do in Autodesk Maya”
Waaait a sec… a furry bird?
but how did you modeled you character
you are awesome mam
That's nice……
I Like More…………………………………………………….
Try blender
i just watched the animation ! so lovely
birds dont have fur
Wow..nice animation.
the video project at 7:24 you did that all by your self???? Hey , my respects to you , it was well detailed and the motions on the characters were real, i understand 3D modeling and it is time consuming and tedious .I have not worked in maya but have on lightwave 3d.
you're sweet!
I don't have Autodesk Maya yet, but when I get it I'll use it for a lot of my projects, such as that 'Cutilands' series I'm planning to make for television.
where do i can download this softwear.send me link plz
can u make tutorial for how to make scene i mean there is a clock ticking that bell is animating from left to right when princess come to door and for background etc after rigged animation what next how all scene background and all
can u make tutorial for how to make scene i mean there is a clock ticking that bell is animating from left to right when princess come to door and for background etc after rigged animation what next how all scene background and all
what type of farmat are these files in .obj or .fbx
Hi Melanie. Is this all done in maya? Or you use other program for your thesis. I just want to get some info for my son. He really likes to study cinema 4d but I believe you have to use after effects in conjunction with it.
only in maya?
or did you use zbrush for this video as well?
wow i like it !!! sis
One Important thing u missed…………"CAMERA"………..
wooooooooooooooooow nice