Which tools do you depend on for your DevOps workflow?


Which tools do you depend on for your DevOps workflow?

Which technology do you think is most important to DevOps?

DevOps is mostly about culture change. Being successful is all about finding ways to bridge the gap between the builders and the maintainers, bringing projects to fruition and updating them in shorter cycles to maintain a competitive advantage. But at the end of the day, you need the right tooling to make it all work.

To succeed with DevOps, it’s important to find ways to reduce friction, both with business processes and the software you use to make it all happen. There’s no such thing as a single tool that enables DevOps; instead, it’s going to be a mix of tools tailored to fit your organization’s specific needs.

But for most organizations moving towards a DevOps model, there tends to be some commonality with the tools in their toolboxes. Organizations typically look for source control and revisioning tools like Git to help them manage code. They adopt continuous integration and build tools to make the movement from source to testing as seamless as possible. They find tools for automating the testing and packaging of their software, as well as deployment, and security testing. They find ways to manage their infrastructure like code with configuration and other management tools, to easily scale and replicate environments. And they keep a suite of monitoring tools to keep an eye on the whole process from development to production.

Which tools are most important to you? What tool has most helped your organization reduce friction in your development process? Let us know your favorites in the comments below.


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