15 Pics That Show Photography Is The Biggest Lie Ever (Creative Ideas)

Link: http:bestcreativeideas.net

The internet is full of beautiful and amazing photographs, but do you ever stop and wonder just what went into that perfect shot? I’m not just talking about the digital manipulation side of the process, although there’s certainly plenty of that involved. No, I’m talking about the physical hard work combined with the often super-creative approaches that photographers employ in order to ensure that their final shot is the very best it can be.
Take a look at these behind-the-scenes pictures to see what we mean. Compiled by Bored Panda, they’re sure to give the budding photographer some fresh ideas while giving the rest of us an enlightening glimpse into the reality that hides behind many a perfect picture.

#1 Miniature Car Models Create Realistic Historical Photos

#2 Wedding Photography

#3 Water Reflections

#4 Surreal Miniature Photography

#5 Life In A Drop Photography

#6 Water Splash Background

#7 Girl Enjoying Rain

#8 Fox Close Up

#9 Wedding Photography

#10 Levitation

#11 Photoshoot 25m Under The Sea In A Sunken Shipwreck

#12 Floating

#13 M&M’s In Water Drops

#14 How Landscape Photos Are Really Made

#15 Splashing Roses Photography

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50 responses to “15 Pics That Show Photography Is The Biggest Lie Ever (Creative Ideas)”

  1. It's not a lie it's talent something you can't understand if every photographer took a picture the same way it would be breath catching now would it?

    Just because they took it differently doesn't mean it's a lie. Photography is creative not talent.
    It is an art that can be viewed in different ways and can still be breath catching.

    Even as a beginner in photography I know that.
    (I'm aware my grammars and spellings are off).

  2. These pictures are NOT lies, those pictures are what you would call CREATIVE . Photography is a way to be creative and view the world a different and unique sight. I respect all the photographers that took these photos because pictures take a lot of skills, talent and time to make it look AMAZING .

  3. This actually makes me so mad. I'm a photographer myself, and I take offence to the title of this. Photography is in no way, a lie. Those are techniques photographers use to achieve those photos. If you can't achieve a good photo, then it is your job as a photographer to use other techniques. I can guarantee I am speaking for most photographers, that this video is disgusting. You basically just dissed photographers around the world. Photography is an art. Not a lie.

  4. I don’t see the relevance in this video. Photography is art so you can’t say there’s a right or wrong or a truth and a lie. These are just simply the use of props. “Girl enjoying rain” who exactly is going to go outside in the actual rain with a model in nice clothes- BETTER YET- a very expensive professional camera just for a few pictures? All of these things are simply creativity, not lies

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