What is a JavaScript Promise?
Next Video: https://youtu.be/AwyoVjVXnLk
Giphy API: https://developers.giphy.com/
Wordnik API: https://developer.wordnik.com/
Promise on MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise
Fetch on MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API
Giphy API Tutorial: https://youtu.be/mj8_w11MvH8
Wordnik API Tutorial: https://youtu.be/YsgdUaOrFnQ
let vs var: https://youtu.be/q8SHaDQdul0
ES6 Arrow Function: https://youtu.be/mrYMzpbFz18
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For more videos on ES6/JavaScript: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRqwX-V7Uu6YgpA3Oht-7B4NBQwFVe3pr
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39 responses to “16.11: Promises Part 1 – Topics of JavaScript/ES6”
ur class so funny and at the same time well explicated, thank you:)
What is this 'json.word' @17:00? And where is it coming from?
Honestly so helpful, thanks so much
bog otac
You're awesome!
let promise = loadJON(url);
6:10 …this is why i keep coming back to your videos, man. it's the little things <3
Excellent explanation.
This was just simply amazing. Promises. Finally. Got. It. Amen. At. LAST
You've go a great mind man, unfortunately you're just too goofy for me.
I learn not just a promise but a chapter of a book in 24 minutes.
I have fallen in love with your explanation!
The way he delivered the content is speechless.
Coding Train:

Writes: `loadJON()` at 4:47
Edits Video at 5:38
I was like, who is Jon???
But anyway, I would be clueless about promises without this video.
I really appreciate how this fella always seems like he's having the best time in these videos. Love it. Always putting out contagiously positive, straight-up giddy vibes, which I didn't realize I was missing until I found this channel. It's perfect for learning this kind of abstract and information-dense material, especially for someone like me, who has a learning disability (ADHD/ADD). It can be debilitating if I forget to set my alarms (which are meant to break-up any prolonged periods of distraction) or don't happen to be in a state of hyperfocus (which only results from finding something so mentally stimulating that it meets the threshold for something worthy of commanding my full attention, at which point a switch in my ADHD brain is flipped and temporarily disables 99% of my disability's symptoms and basically causes me to channel the Buddha and maintain focus). Talk about getting side-tracked. Anywayyyyyyyyyyyy, my point is that this gregarious fellow's style of teaching never fails to keep me interested in, and actively engaged with, the material being covered. Most channels that cover this stuff just do dry, monotone code-along tutorials from a computer chair and rarely provide more than a shallow explanation (e.g. reciting a condensed or verbatim summary straight out of the docs) of what the code they're writing actually does. Rarely do they go into what it doesn't do, what other technologies it interacts with, why it works, or last but not least (and IMHO one of the most important things a teacher who knows their craft will include in their lessons) why it's actually really cool and worth getting hyped about learning and using. Homeboy has all that on lock and consistently delivers, so for me, stumbling upon this channel was like stumbling upon a jolly oasis in a mundane desert. Great teacher, great content, great channel. 10/10. Subscribed. All aboard the coding train, let's go. return 0;
That was probably the best explanation of Javascript promises I've come across anywhere. Big Thanks to you!
what would be wrong about learning first, teaching later?
A playlist of all your Javascript series will be fine
Just Stumbled on your channel, and i don't want to let go at all..
Man you're good.
So promises are about promising to do something, but if you can't do it, then it's about how you handle it?
accidentally clicked into here while looking up promises.. I'm glad I did!! Nice explanation!
You are a delight to watch!!
please jump less …
4:00 a promise is an object…. It took 4 minutes to get there ,which is fine ! love Your vids!
Nice explanation !! Thanks a lot for creating this video.
thank you
Man, i love this guy. I had to come here from Treehouse to understand what promises are all about, and this sure helped me out a lot.
I'm getting CORB error when trying to fetch from GIPHY.
Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) blocked cross-origin response https://giphy.com/gifs/girl-life-car-3ov9jWu7BuHufyLs7m with MIME type text/html.
Finally understood promises thankgod

you are the best bro!!
lol he did:
but i thought it needs to be:
Thank you for this fantastic video! I hadn't been able to get my head around promises until now. Gold star sticker for you.
this is a toy, not the Promises
november 2019 any one???
OMG this was awesome!!! Finally understanding promises ALREADY helped me solve a key issue in my application, and now I can CLEARLY see all the problems and BUGSSSSSSSS I can avoid with this!!! THANKS for clearly and awesomely explaining this!!!
i'm starting to learn firebase firestore and that was tremendously helpful, thank you very much!!!!!!!
Awsome Explanation!!
Beautiful explanation