2D In Blender 2.8 Is Amazing!


Grease Pencil got a massive boost in Blender 2.8, turning Blender into a powerful tool for 2D drawing and animation. In this video we look at the new 2D functionality, first creating a simple animated 2D using drawing and sculpting tools. We then look at custom materials, fills and line styles and more. Finally we look at some of the FX and modifiers than can be applied to grease pencil objects.


33 responses to “2D In Blender 2.8 Is Amazing!”

  1. i have few questions please
    1 = let me know if any task i have for blender rendering and modeling according provided dimension in inches or centimeter or mm so how i can module with surity ?
    i was asked to module a room with provided size in inches details but i could not draw and model so any help please ?

    2 = how can i apply color in any cycles rendered moduled obj format file ?
    make sure i am asking for applying color not texture by internal render or cycles or eevee ?

  2. Huh, this is really cool. I use blender as a video editor and it works really well but I want to add more stuff in my videos and this could add quite a bit. This looks a bit easier than 3d animation, which I have tired but I'm just not a artist.

  3. I know almost nothing about blender. But I've used Inkscape for many years. But animation in Inkscape is not an easy and practical thing, the last time I checked. I want to know if SVG vectors can be imported as these grease pen thingummywutsits.

    I'm not an animator by any stretch, though. So I probably shouldn't get excited.

  4. Thank You SO MUCH for this video.

    You have NO IDEA how excited I am about this. Especially the BUILD modifier for it.

    Smart Blender developers need to get cracking on including a Mask feature for layers. And new brushes, brush features, etc.

    I've not used Blender since 2.76b. So I have a LOT to relearn. Especially with the new interface.

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