7 Tips to Edit Faster in Final Cut Pro X


If you are an avid Mac user and prefer using Final Cut Pro X over other editing software, then you should check out these tips.

In this era of content creation, you have plenty of options for video editing. You can find any software based on your requirements either for Windows or Mac OS platform. However, when it comes to Mac OS ecosystem, most people prefer Apple’s Final Cut Pro X for video editing due to its simple interface and ease of use. Retailed at $299, Final Cut Pro X is also an affordable option for those who don’t want to deal with Adobe’s long-term subscription plans.

In this 4-minute video, videographer Bobby Burns shares his tips for editing his videos faster in Final Cut Pro X. Starting from organizing the project and the footage, he briefly walks through how to start the editing process. Then he shares his tricks about the use of adjustment layers and how to quickly grade the footage by using the LUTs. You will also find how to optimize your settings in order to achieve the best performance from your Mac when editing.

Do you have any tips for editing faster in Final Cut Pro X? Please share them in the comments section below.


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