Autodesk Maya 2013 – Potato Chips Bag Modeling-Texturing

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Autodesk Maya 2013 – Low Polygon Potato Chips bag Modeling-Texturing. Easy tutorial video on how to model and texture potato/tortilla chip bag.

“autodesk maya 2013” Animation Cartoon Network Chocolate “Cartoon Network (TV Network)” Animated Blender 3ds Cartoons Flash Character Cgi Render Modeling Hanna Toon “Computer-generated Imagery (Film Company Role Or Service)” 3dsmax Milk Simulation Play Cake Game Cookies Animations Station Rain “Royal Air Force Station (Location)” Candy Food Shoes Barry Bag Tay Cheese Eating Pie Chips Sugar “Candy (Paolo Nutini Song)” “Play (theatre)”


46 responses to “Autodesk Maya 2013 – Potato Chips Bag Modeling-Texturing”

  1. como ases para que estires los lados todo de una sola vez lo esty intentando pero se selecciona noda la linea que quiero deformar como te sale a ti en el momento que estas formando los lados de la potato chips……
    tu lo estiras todo el lado igual en cambio ami me sale para estirar unaa por una como lo hago

  2. Everyone buy Maya as sin as you can, in 2016 it'll become a Subscription Only software.
    Yeah you read correct: if you wanna animate or modem something your gonna have to pay a yearly subscription to do it.
    But if you buy it now they won't charge you in the future.
    I know it sucks but it's happening whether we like it or not; so please hurry.

  3. Thanks a lot for your video! I have experience mapping in Illustrator, but now I want to go further in packaging. I downloaded Maya. Can you please reply ofr one question: how to make the texture a bit shiny, more glossy?

  4. hold down right click and choose uv. select a uv point and then hold down ctrl + right click and choose to shell. This way you can move the whole shell easily.

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