Lightning Photography Tutorial

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Learn the basics of taking some lightning photographs. I share the ISO Aperture and Shutter speed I used to get some cool lightning shots. Apply these photography tips however you see fit in any long exposure situation. Enjoy your shooting. This video is part of my Advanced Photography Foundations DVD. Click here to buy my DVDs to help support my efforts to teach the world about Photographty. FREE SHIPPING FOR A LIMITED TIME

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43 responses to “Lightning Photography Tutorial”

  1. Thanks! I wish I saw this before the massive lightning storm I tried to film a couple of days ago.I filmed more than 30+ strikes in front of me and my footage was all pretty much garbage, Next time for sure.

  2. There was a lighting storm so I went out with my camera without a tripod and no idea to use a long exposure shot. So when ever there was a flash I would press the button. I only got 2 in about the length of about 30 mins. The shot was really cool because it was lighting behind the capitol building. But now with your advice and method it is guaranteed that I will not miss another lightning bolt! Thanks man!

  3. Very helpful! Thank you so much 🙂 just wondering f u get lightning in the day time, what settings would be best, i have got a nd1000 filter but i think its slightly less than nd1000. im using the nikon d5300 with 18-55mm lens, i do have a 70-300mm lens what is easy to use for night to focus. the issue is it takes so long to save i guess before it will take another image. there is a few. any tips i be very grateful 🙂

  4. No.3 of the shots definitely the best shot, lightning is more widespread. When ever I do Lightning shots i do it on Bulb, f/22, ISO 100. Camera on tripod & use a remote/shutter release cable to avoid shake.
    As soon as I hear the crack of thunder I start the exposure, wait for the flash of lightning then give it a few seconds before ending the exposure

  5. I just recently tried getting some lightning shots. I find that 5 to 8 seconds exposure with the aperture in the range of 3 to 8 stops works best depending on if moon and city light. I'm glad you touched on the subject and mentioned star trails. The number one problem I faced, beside lighting happened in between shots, is time blur. I don't think people understand that if you get a bolt at 2 seconds, you're going to have cloud movement cover and dull your shot. Your pictures look great, but I feel the shorter time captures clouds a bit better. And, if you only capture a couple bolts, you have a number of pictures to make GIF's with. I'll give your suggestion a go though next time and see what results I get.

  6. you're totally adorable <3 also, thank you so much for the information! i missed an amazing storm tonight because i just couldn't get the settings right. quick question… was it not raining? how did you not soak your equipment? x

  7. lightening flashes twice, once when the positive charge reaches up and connects from the ground and a second time when the main discharge follows the path created…. SET YOUR CAMERA FOR REMOTE/WIRELESS FLASH and it will think the pre-flash went and take a picture of the lightening… no guess work, works 100% of the time, do it every lightening storm with my pentax

  8. Do you feel a camera like a cannon T5i or a Nikon d3200 would be suitable for this? or rather a more expensive dslr? If such entry level dslrs could get decent lightning shots, any reccomendations between the two? if not, any recommendations of other cameras?  Thanks

  9. Good job, always like your videos. Those settings work, but I have been getting a little lazy these days so  I both me a Lightning Motion Sensor Trigger Remote from ebay 🙂 and you can get almost anything, good for fireworks, animals and of course, lighting. Thank you man!

  10. Thanks for all the Tutorials. Love the Laid Back Style of them, don't need to be a Pro with $5000 in Camera and Lenses, just need to know how to use the Tools ya Got. Fixing to take some of your Techniques on Eclipses with me Tomorrow. If you like go check my Demo of Lightning I've done the past 10 years, I think you'll like it. Glenn M Patterson Demo 2014

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