Tutorial: How to Model Globoid (aka Throated) Worm Drive in Blender


In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a globoid worm shaft and its mating gear wheel in Blender 3D, and test their compatibility using Blender’s Rigid Body Physics engine.

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38 responses to “Tutorial: How to Model Globoid (aka Throated) Worm Drive in Blender”

  1. When I follow the tutorial to the point at 8:58 – the origin of my object does not follow the 3D cursor like it does in the video. If I move it maually by using the set origin/origin to 3D cursor action, then I can get the duplicate to rotate around the center at Xaxis 29 – but all other objects created also do not automatically move the origin, such as the tooth meshes. Art 13.49 when I go into edit mode, the origin is inside the object, and in object mode, it is at the 3D cursor. I had to mess around and set the origin manually for every duplicate. When I get to the end – the simulation fails. I noticed that the teeth of the wheel also merge with the worm still after a -1% scale. So question is whether there is some setting that automatically moves the pivot/origin to the 3D cursor – or some difference in how blender orientates origins i earlier versions – or if the tooth size is causing my simulation to fail? I'm using blender 2.79.

  2. I want to design small diameter globoid (wheel diameter ~ 10 mm). In my case the worm moves with the fingers and the wheel axle almost does not provide resistance (on it there is a small mirror that needs to be precisely set in a certain angle). Is it necessary to change change some parameters in the globoid design to gain as much self-lock feature as possible?

  3. This is exactly what I was looking for.
    Instead of rebuilding it the complete way I just took the printable Stl version and made some changes with blender to fit my needs. Works and looks wonderful. Thank you 👍

  4. this is great, but i have one question. why the hell is this working. the radius decreases to the mittle, something that should cause the center to rotate slower than the edges. should this not cause complications?

  5. Nice work! I managed to make one with (4t/40t). I scaled down the worm to 0.98, but I still had to move the wheel, hinge2 & axis2 + 0.5mm on X axis before the animation started to work properly.

    I have been struggling to do this in some other softwares before (some other techniques). I felt Blender light as feather.

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