Halloween Inspiration: A Dollar Store and Your Backyard


If you’re in search of some festive-themed inspiration, check out this short video from Tajreen & Co that will also show you how easy it to create a fun image for Halloween with very limited resources. Some basic editing knowledge can turn a simple idea into a striking and spooky image.

As huge as cosplay is becoming, you don’t have to be a huge fan of fantasy or wearing weird clothes to put together a fun and challenging photoshoot that will test your creativity. With Photoshop and its alternatives (go check out Affinity Photo if you haven’t already) offering huge amounts of control, even your backyard can be turned into an improvised studio.

As proven by the resulting image, the Content Aware fill functionality of Photoshop (or “inpainting” if you’re using Affinity Photo) truly opens up new worlds when it comes to editing images. If you’re wondering how to create fog, check out the “render clouds” function in Photoshop.

If gore is more your thing, be sure to check out this tutorial from FX-Ray, complete with high-resolution images available to download for creating your textures (including some rather bloody pictures of raw meat, fresh from the butcher!) in order to create that perfect zombie look.

If you have more Halloween-inspired ideas, be sure to post them in the comments below.


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