Creating a Blender 2.8 Voxelize Python Script – Beginner Tutorial

In this free bonus tutorial for Blender 2.8, I walk through how I created a script to turn any 3d model into a voxel style mesh.

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16 responses to “Creating a Blender 2.8 Voxelize Python Script – Beginner Tutorial”

  1. Wouldn't it be easier to just edge split the voxelized model once, then scale down the UVs of each face at the same time (using individual origin pivots), and then removing double vertices afterwards?

  2. The random percentage should actually be 1/100-count, that way you'll always have the same amount of faces (at least if blender rounds the percentage nicely, if not there'll still be the 100% select)

    And you should use 'for count in range(100):'
    Then you can delete the 'count+=1'

    And there isn't any real reason to use single over double quotes or the other way around. There's only one rule: close the quotes with what you've opened them

  3. But can this be animated? I used the remesh modifier years ago for a project and my biggest annoyance was how it got rid of texture data, I found a (rubbish) work around though, is this dynamic the way the remesh modifier is if it has an armature?

  4. Nice, but man, python is ugly. Underscore instead of camelcase (nice mix-up by you btw. ๐Ÿ˜‰), capitalized true / false, no brackets for while and so on…
    But nice tutorial on how scripting works.
    I guess my first script will be: Select the default cube, delete it, create a new plane and extrude it, so you've got a cube.
    And I'll sell it for 100$ and also offer a "pro" version which deletes the light, too – for 150$. ๐Ÿ˜‚

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