(Blender Tutorial) How to set Blender to Metric units


Tutorial on how to set Blender to the metric system cm/ meters instead of the standard blender units, this is the essential units of measurement for modelling to scale architecture and game assets for unity and unreal engine. Blender 2.78


14 responses to “(Blender Tutorial) How to set Blender to Metric units”

  1. Well done, short and easy to follow…
    One question: How to do make this a permanent setting so that it automatically opens with the correct unit and grid size next time one opens Blender?…much appreciated

  2. thank you for this tutorial.
    I was wondering after I model my scene objects and wanted to place them on a large landscape for a camera animation.Would I adjust the scale in the grid settings or change the the units to say a kilometer? I am wondering if this messes up the camera and all that stuff. for an example the camera ends up being to small and you have to scale that up and so on…

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