Buy this as a 2 hour tutorial for only $7 here: This tutorial will show you have to make an Android app have an initial login screen for a user to …
Android Login Form Tutorial with mySQL and PHP

Buy this as a 2 hour tutorial for only $7 here: This tutorial will show you have to make an Android app have an initial login screen for a user to …
22 responses to “Android Login Form Tutorial with mySQL and PHP”
Seriously my brains all over the wall
for PHP file change POST with GET
I don't know if anyone else picked up on this but this guy is Flynn White, the son of Walter White.
what's this editor
ايش بخبص هاد مش فاهم ارجع ل the new bosten احسن
Trying to get a copy of Tutorial source code and files all the posted links are dead HELP!
what is your skype acc name?
why should you use straight sql queries for login if it sucks in security?!
if you need anyhelp making a login form that works with a datebase . its simple . add me on skype and i will help
thank you very very much
@crosbymichaela hows the app coming along?
@crosbymichaela Sounds good, just let me know when its posted.
@batista603 So I think I will do a check in app for the tutorial. It' would have a signup, you could check in your GPS location, add friends and view their location and information. Remove friends(all this data is stored in mySQL). So that would cover more views, adding, updating, deleting data from mySQL. And interacting with all the views. I will charge some money for it because this is alot of code I have to write, but it will be close to an hour video and you get all php and mobilecode
@crosbymichaela okay, I see that you sell tutorials. If it will help, if you could create a tutorial on what i asked for, i wouldnt mind paying for it. I also may need to see examples on how to insert and update to if you decide to do it. Keep up the good work
To make an apk, in your menu bar: Project >> Export Release Build.
All you have to do is move the PHP file from your local development computer to your webserver. Then it is ready for production, that is all you have to do. If you plug in your phone and Project >> Export Release Build, it will run exactly the same (if you are connected to your wifi) as it does in the video.
I was talking about generating an Android application (. Apk) with PHP backend, but so far not seen any video or tutorial showing it.
@gabrielgpp I'm sry but I don't understand the question. Tablet's communicate just like phones or even laptops and computers. As far as Apache, you do have to have an *AMP stack running. ie Apache, mySQL, and PHP. The communication is done with PHP in this example. All this example does it takes a url to a php page. ie the URLRequest in views.MainLoginView.mxml is where you put a url to your server.
I understand, but what about the client-server communication? The tablet makes requests to the Apache web server? I have not found where to configure it …
If you want more info, I have an hour long tutorial for $7. I posted the link in the video description, I can't post links in youtube comments.
Thank you @ crosbymichaela.
This tutorial helped me a lot, good job. People like you make a smarter world.
@batista603 If I have time….
@gabrielgpp It can run on a tablet as is. But you should do UI changes for tablets. All underlying code stays the same.