Beginner Blender Tutorial |How to Model Using a Picture Reference

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Thank you to whoever created to beautiful crystal image!


21 responses to “Beginner Blender Tutorial |How to Model Using a Picture Reference”

  1. Fantastic work, inspirtional ๐Ÿ˜‰ How long have you been modeling ,do it for career as well ? As others have said, great voice ,fantastic pacing, better than many I' ve seen, you take great care to instruct while keeping an eye on time GJ!
    I came here to get an idea how to get started accurately via background or reference with a project,,,I already have a cube ,could be interesting to see if that shape works, semi cart before horse ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Hi Kasey, great video! As another commenter pointed out, copyright infringement is always a looming concern when undertaking a project such as this (especially if you plan to make money from the 3D design in some direct or indirect way). Do you know how much a 3D model must differ from the original photo in order to avoid any legal issues, and is this something you worry about whenever you base a model from a photo taken from the internet?

  3. This tutorial is fantastic, but there's something that concerns me somewhat.
    Background images only appear when modeling in orthographic view, so when I switch to perspective view, everything looks off.
    While I know that ortho works well for people modeling architecture, it's a bit of an issue when I'm trying to get a character's features down correctly. Is there anything I can do to use background images in perspective mode, or should I learn to work in ortho?

  4. I'm really glad I stumbled upon this video. I just got reinvested in Skyrim SE, but there aren't a lot of weapon mods that have peaked my interest.
    I already hand modeled one sword today, which was a tedious endeavor for a blender noob like me

    Great tutorial! You got a sub here

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