Blender 3D 2.6 & gamekit Android 3D Game Test on Nexus 7

Blender 3D 2.6 & gamekit free game engine Android 3D Game Test on Nexus 7

source code , apk and blender file can be download from:

The Android SDK contains the Android debug bridge (adb) which is a tool which allows you to connect to a virtual or real Android device for the purpose of managing the device or debugging your application. Check links below


26 responses to “Blender 3D 2.6 & gamekit Android 3D Game Test on Nexus 7”

  1. 少年.你用的eclipseProject是 里的 而不是gamkit编译源码后生成的AndroidDemo吧?
    然而好像 这个工程没有开源他的jni代码.

  2. It's too simple you're going nowhere. make a game that's COMPLETE then show us. I'm tired of seeing all these "Demos" on youtube and then never seeing the authors of said demos actually post anything NEW after that. There's only a FEW small projects I'm following because they are GOING somewhere. Go work on something for three years and then come back with something that impresses us. 

    It isn't impressive to see 3d running on a mobile device anymore we've all seen it like a thousand times now. EVERYONE can do it. 
    It doesn't take direct access to hardware and 20 years of hard work learning the language and studying the hardware to know how to do it anymore so it isn't as impressive as it would have been 10 years ago. Sorry but you haven't impressed me at all… 

    Or how about this. YOU ,, you yourself.. go learn some HARDWARE programming then build your own 3d engine and export it all… and THEN build a game in that and make it open source and free and EASY to use.
    Making something of that calibur WOULD be impressive.
    you're just another person trying to show off and get more views. 

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