Blender 3D Architectural Tutorial – How to project your room

Project your room in 3D with Blender!


27 responses to “Blender 3D Architectural Tutorial – How to project your room”

  1. Ah so! Then I must have misunderstand you. Because as far as I know Blender, I don't think you can actually converts inches or cm to the lengh's Blender used, because in Blenderess people talk about 'such and so blender units away from…'.
    Of course you can just agree with yourself that one inch in your room will be 1 blender unit in Blender to make things in proportion. But I think it can, I don't know it because I didn't triede it out before.

  2. After pressing G to grab you can scale what you've selected by pressing S. Now you can scale it. If you want to only scale one axes, hold down X, to make a squir into a rectangle.
    So G, S, X, 4. The 4 is for the size you want to expand your rectangle.

    Of course you can also scale your object locked to other axes. Z is for vertical, X is for horizontal and Y is for diagonal.

    Hopes this helps. Succes!

  3. i might make some tutorials but if you look in my videos youll see what im having trouble with like i haven`t added it yet but when i make the arm move the fingers stretch and don`t want to move and when i render it it`s all shiny with no textures so i wan`t to figure out how to make the textures render to
    and make it unshiny youll see spinning ganon hes shiny with colors but no textures

    how is it that every one else can figure out blender but i cant evryone i know says im the smartest person theyv ever met talking bout sciency stuff man i just say what i learn im not smart enough to use blender so i must be pritty dumb

  5. Yes as you can see i create a cube with EXACT dimension of the room. Take care that the mesh is double sided if not press the relative button in F9 (Editing)-> Mesh -> Double Sided. This for render the internal part of the cube.

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