Blender 3d: Hard Ops Add On Public Demo (0.0.1)

I am working on updating it to make it even better as we speak so check out the gumroad for up to date releases.

Theres also a PDF on its basic use!

I have been working on an add on to reduce keystrokes for hard surface workflows and am pleased to showcase it here today! It’s magical to see macros mapped to a button that can accomplish anything. Right now it’s small but I’m adding even more operations as this video uploads!

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Disclosure: I am not a skilled coder or a programmer by any means. Meaning my potential is limited without guidance for complex operations. Don’t expect crazy modal ops with cool panels yet until I figure that out. The goal is only to reduce keystrokes for repetitious operations to make life easier. The goal was really the simple and complex sharp operations. All the rest is icing on the cake.


27 responses to “Blender 3d: Hard Ops Add On Public Demo (0.0.1)”

  1. When you did the boolean operation, at 5:57, it looks like you just clicked ctrl + minus. Is that another addon or shortcut setup? Also, is there a reason the mesh would stretch when applying the twist 360?

  2. This looks really sweet, especially since Mid poly is slowly moving towards game engines. less normal maps. more beveled edges. Got any word of when it would possibly be ready for the major public?

  3. N-th Circle is Checker Deselect > Bevel Vertice > LoopTool Circle > Extrude > Scale with Individual Origins > Insert Faces with depth, right? Damn, Macros Recorder can potentially save tons of time. Can you expose adjustable values with it, so it will behave like standard blender operators?
    Edit: I think I got how it's done wrapping it up properly and exposing values is definitely hardest part since it require actual coding 🙁

  4. Nice tool kit , really looking forward to it. The circle feature is specially interesting, but in your demo I see it spawns a lot of ngons, which it troublesome (x normals don't support them for instance , and even zbrush can give weird results ). Do you plan to have some quad rectify features for this?

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