Blender 3D Live Chat Room – Blender 2.8 (3D) and Eevee (expected 2018!) #2

Welcome to Hype Tutorial’s first live chat room for blender users to discuss Blender’s next major release Blender 2.8 / Eevee or any other topic.

Blender 2.8 – The next big Blender 3D release – expected in 2018!

From an updated viewport to workspaces and dependency graphs. Blender 2.8 brings updates all over the board.

Viewport (Right Screen)

Up until now, the viewport was lagging behind the rest of Blender. Not anymore! Blender 2.8 brings the minimum OpenGL version to 3.3, with even newer features for compatible hardware.

The main use of this technology is Blender’s new real-time render engine: Eevee

Eevee is a fully-featured PBR (physically based-rendering) engine for real-time visualization. With advanced features such as volumetrics, screen-space reflections and refractions, soft shadows, post-processing effects such as ambient occlusion, depth of field, camera motion blur and bloom. More features to be implemented soon include subsurface scattering, object motion blur and contact shadows.

Grease Pencil (Left Screen)

Blender’s 2D drawing capabilities have been greatly improved with 2.8. The new Grease Pencil focus is to create a more friendly interface for the 2D artist, while keeping the advantages of having a full 3D suite underneath.

Grease Pencil is no longer just a stroke, it’s now a real Blender object with huge improvements to brushes and tools.


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