Update: mic accomplished – thanks to GC!
I was inspired by this pinterest board.
In this tutorial I discuss making a sci-fi hud.
sorry about the audio. I got a new mic and it sounds just horrid!
Check out my gumroad. Sequel coming soon!
39 responses to “Blender 3d: Making A Sci-Fi UI / HUD”
I don't know what I did but I end up with a Oval in the first 35 seconds of the video. smh I was able to set the array and simple deform once afte setting the loop cuts and I have been trying to get it to work since. I always end up with a phat oval.
Hey Man! I came back to see what you were doing here and WTF! I completely missed the AWESOME command #frame! Where did you learn about this command? I love that command! WHOA WAY COOL! Thanks Jerry! :O)
Interesting vid. Not much help though unless you are already good with the program.
tres bien et interressant
GREAT…Thank you so much
I like it , so fast had to watch 100 times
ALT+A doesn't activate the driver. Only becomes dark red in the z field.
I have wanted to make an animation for years now that this will allow! thanks!
You're awesome.
but speed= 0.5 on YouTube.. Makes you more awesome
Brilliant method!
Ok I managed to do a different path but with the same result, don't shrink the box, cut it in half until its the right size, Hope this has helped!
Very cool…thanks. #frame*.05 is a great trick. Also like the constraint tip.
5th time rewatching it and still unable to do it rip. I'm pretty sure I'm doing it correctly. Plane > Scale > 12 Loop cuts > Array > Deform?
Wow. Didn't even know it was this simple to make a ridiculously sick ui in Blender. For sure you should have MANY MANY MANY more views and likes than this. Come on people show your love. This is a great method for doing so many things. I modeled a logo not too long ago and I wish I had seen this first. Would have saved me so much time
Anyway, I give you massive props. Love it!
great tut masterxeon…BUT, yur screen seems so blur n yur explanation well a bit so fast for beginners like me, i really looking for this tutorial, not many blender user do this HUD gui stuff rotatin n stuff, i really hope u make a lot of this kind of tutorial…
very clever, never though on using the simple defrom that way,
Congratulations for this tuto.I do not speak english.I have used google to
translate my text.Because,there are the err or in my sentence.I like sci-fi and
I am very happy for this tuto. I am trying to realize it but I meet a problem. I do not understand how you
received to make the rotation. If you like it I would like that You give me the
keys it takes to rotate the objects in this tutorial.
Please zoom your screen so that we can
see the menu of blender.this your screen is small.
Thank you
In Cinema 4D
Thanks for an awesome modifier tutorial. That's pretty inventive. I was having trouble seeing the Npanel operations and I couldn't tell if you typed #frame then hit enter and the the value or #framex.05, ot what. I tried rewatching it a ton, but still can't see it. I tried both ways, but no luck. I think I jacked the file up, but any help is appreciated.
can you do tutorials? please? like slow step by step?
Why wont anything rotate when i ad drivers? I set the mode to drivers instead of f-curve already, but it's not rotating. wtf
Thank u for this amazing tutorial, this can be also of great help for modelling car wheels or flowers, etc
it's just not working it makes an oval and I have no clue what you mean by apply the scale WHAT SCALE ??????????????????????????????????????
very simple and interesting tutorial dude..u are one of my favorite youtube tutor..;-)..very cool..i had a problem in changing rotation..thanks for updating such good tuts..waiting for further of your knowledge in blender
Note: from Blender 2.75 on, you MUST APPLY the scale BEFORE adding the Simple Deform Modifier.
cool video! looks like a nice approach. but I'm wondering why you don't draw this up in 2D vector program using similar techniques? since you're effectively creating 2D art, wouldn't a 2D-specific tool be more efficient? then you could import if you needed 3D animation or placement.
I'll try this at night… Seems great for training… i'll try to repeat as much as i can to learn, thank you so much for your time doing that great material.
Why do these things never occur to me? So simple and obvious.
I love the simple script to animate. How can you delete the script and reset?
How do you copy to clipboard?
what am i doing wron ? time 0:22 as you make a simple deform and bend it, my plane goes weird. Theres an angle on the wrong axis. How can i change that ? im new in blender and i cant go on. But i really love this vid, but it's very fast how u explain it. But really nice, would help me if i wouldn't have this error
Mine turns into an oval. ??
I want to make one of these today but I also want it to gyroscope like in the film, 13 Ghosts. Plz make a tutorial. =D
Good vid, but a bit quick mate! I've used Blender a while, and I struggled to keep up!
Good work!
Thanks, very straightforward and informative