Blender 3D View Tutorial: Rotate, Pan, and Zoom Controls

A short tutorial that covers navigating the 3D workspace in Blender. You will learn the controls used to rotate, pan and zoom the 3D view.

This allows you to navigate around your model, or scene.

I used version 2.63 for this video.

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40 responses to “Blender 3D View Tutorial: Rotate, Pan, and Zoom Controls”

  1. THANKS! I had an issue where for some reason out of nowhere i lost the ability to orbit/pan/zoom around objects using my mouse with SHIFT/CONTROL/ALT. i was stuck for a few hours getting extremely frustrated. I was doing almost everything in the User Preferences to fix the issue. Watched other videos, read other forum tips, but NOTHING helped. Then i see your video and what helped i had to do was EMULATE 3 BUTTON MOUSE! I must have pressed some button or unchecked that box randomly for some weird reason. Anyways fixed!

  2. 2018 and blender still suck in usage , need to break my middle mouse button just to move or rotate which is so stupid and frustrating when trying to click it fast , also when trying to rotate the object itself it take double time to find the buttons and click the damn options which twice time slower then other 3d software so stupid .

    in c4d i just click "r + left click" , more logical to the brain and more faster

  3. You forgot Shift + F, which let's you navigate in the 3D space same ways as FPS games, and also use that Shif while in this view mode to move faster. Hope this is going to be of some use to someone.

  4. Aaaargh! Why is this set up not the default for noobs like me who are new to Blender!? It's taken me forever to find out how to change the settings to normal before I could even start learning how to actually use Blender! Thanks for the video!

  5. what would be really nice is if it rotated around the center of the object in edit mode. In edit mode you want to rotate around the whole object. When you are in object mode I want to rotate around the center of the scene. For instance if I'm editing a sphere I want to be able to rotate the sphere as I mark out seems. wouldn't it be nice if while you are marking seams if the sphere rotated around it's center rather than the seam you are done marking? I mean you are done marking it you no longer want to be looking at it but there it is.

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