Blender Basics for 3d printing part1

An absolute beginner intro to Blender focusing on STL files for 3d printing. We start with navigating around the scene, importing STL files and scaling and rotating.
You can follow along using any stl, but if you want the pig scan you will find it at


17 responses to “Blender Basics for 3d printing part1”

  1. Hi, I'm new to all this but I do have a 3d printer, how do I sculpt something in real world size? For example if I wanted a 3cm stick after printing it out what would the measurements be in blender?

  2. ok…
    so, I'm following along and the pig's head is not centered. I downloaded the STL in the link, but as this is my first day, could you please assist?

    I rotate with middle mouse and the head is relatively rotating all around me but not on axis.

  3. Hey there Whitney, great tutorial.  I've had this vid loaded for weeks,, and finally had some time to start in to the whole segment.
    Beautiful GUI with Blender,, looking forward to trying it soon.
    I'm 40 episodes in to the "3D Printing Today" podcast, and  IT'S  AMAZING!!, lol,,  and from my favorite vacation destination,,  Sebastopol, CA.
    Thank you, and Andy, for all you do , for the 3d printing community 🙂

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