i love Blender! but the idea that all the assests(not all of course) and things that you can download for it cost..i feel like..while blender is free so should be its assets..you know Blender should be Love and be Life..not Hate and death..anyway great demo! would buy it if i did not ditch my girlfiend 😛
3 responses to “Blender guru grass-essentials animation test”
schöne Blumen – wirkt ziemlich realistisch.
i love Blender! but the idea that all the assests(not all of course) and things that you can download for it cost..i feel like..while blender is free so should be its assets..you know Blender should be Love and be Life..not Hate and death..anyway great demo! would buy it if i did not ditch my girlfiend 😛
Nice Job 🙂
The only negative i could say about it, is the to high clipping-value in your Camera-Settings 😉