Blender head modeling tutorial part 1

This is the first part of modeling a head in Blender


25 responses to “Blender head modeling tutorial part 1”

  1. EuardP if you are still reading, could you consider a tutorial with audio explanation please, I have considered purchasing Blender for Dummies book, its about £13 or 18 Euros.

    For a beginner trying to create an actual person's face with what ever images I can get a get a copy of is challenging.

  2. Have u been in "edit mode"? and u can always try with "set" function from toolbox but u really should be able to use loop cut, its much more efficient so u will need it all the time

  3. Its fairly easy, u can use function from Toolbox, its the one on the left ( T is a key for it) and then choose the one thats called "set" next to "knife" then make straight line where u want with it and press "space", then just delet one half of it, apply mirror modifier from Modifiers window if it doesnt appear right, choose axis on which u want it to appear, sorry for poor explanation but, im beginner also, at both blender and english ^ ^

  4. you know even if you were to do a commentary and make this video 10x longer than it has to be i still take like 3 hours to learn what is shown on videos, and i prefer something like this because then i have to think for myself and i usually learn on the first time, so ty^_^

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