Blender Modeling Tutorial – Homburg Hat or “The GodFather Hat”

This is my 1st Blender tutorial for 2012, I apologize to all my faithful subscribers for waiting so long. Let’s just say I got sidetracked with work at Lucasfilm and of course my Multicopters collection. Thank you for your patience, I will be developing new modeling tutorials to help beginners learn this fantastic 3D application.


18 responses to “Blender Modeling Tutorial – Homburg Hat or “The GodFather Hat””

  1. Check your axis orientation and try to follow the same orientation when I start the tutorial. The axis I mirrored is the X axis. Also you have to move the halves to until they touch for the clipping to work. Move one half until the edges touch and then move it back to the original location.

  2. Thanks! The subdivision modifier will only add the sudivided faces once you hit "apply" in object mode on the modifier button. When working on the model, 3 levels of subdivision is sufficient for most feedback, anything more will slow down your interaction and crash your system if you hardware can't handle the extra geometry.

  3. One more question. Is there a mirror function that allows me to texture my object on both sides at the same time. I saw an unfinished tutorial with someone painting on both sides of a model. They also had more brush functions then the ones in 2.63 some looked like sculpt brushes.

  4. Great tutorial. Only a few questions about all the other functions in the mesh menu when your in edit mode. I wondered if the subsurface function adds more geometry to the mesh. I am sure the subdivide function does because if I go up to five levels it crashes Blender. Being new to blender I stick to what I know and Blender has many modelling commands I have not used yet.

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