Blender particle simulation tutorial: Smoke Flow & Particles

Music: Lightless Dawn ⓒ – Kevin MacLeod

Hello, everyone. In this video, I will show you how to create the smoke-like particle simulation from the beginning.

The only software necessary is Blender 2.7 or higher. I did some additional compositing not shown in the video with Adobe After Effects (glow and color correction), but it is completely possible to do the same in Blender.

It is important to note, that due to the complexity of the materials, the shading process will not be explained in the video.

.blend for the whole scene:
.blend for the material:



20 responses to “Blender particle simulation tutorial: Smoke Flow & Particles”

  1. Also, the presentation is excellent, and if you could choose an amount of likes to give I would give at least 300 likes XD XD XD
    When you'll make a tutorial about doing color and glow corrections in blender I'll give you a thousand likes XD XD XD

  2. Just AWESOME! The only problem I have is that I am not able to do the corrections in Blender…..
    Could you PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE recommend a video about how to do this… OR MAKE A TUTORIAL ABOUT IT? a
    Thanks in advance for any replies.
    By the way, you have got a talent with particles… CONTINUE LIKE THIS MAN!

  3. Hey, this is such a nice animation!! But I have a hard time to recreate it step by step, because the smoke just doesn't want to show up neither in the preview nor in the render… So I downloaded your Blender file, but there is literally nothing to see in the render. Can you please help me to fix the issue? Thank you so much upfront!

  4. im 4months into blender and im learning new thing everyday for past 4 months.. thank you for this .. using noise modifier in grapheditor to get random movement for sphere.. my mind is blown now. you inspire me <3

  5. Awesome! Have never tried blender, only maya and zbrush but I have been trying to find some way to play with particles in a software easily obtainable and you just showed exactly what I have been looking for. Hope to see more. Subbed and on my way to get Blender, cheers!

  6. Wow this is impressive stuff! I've been wanting to use smoke patterns for particles but didn't know how, thanks for showing us! Btw I tried the scene file to see what it looks like and for some reason it doesn't render? It just shows an empty screen, any idea why? I baked the smoke sim and it still doesn't render.

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