Blender Tutorial: Another Coffee Cup (Easy Handle)
This Blender video demonstrates how to make a coffee cup. An easy method for making the handle is shown. Blender version 2.79 was used for this tutorial. This video shows techniques that may be helpful to beginners and intermediate users.

Link to Denoising Video

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22 responses to “Blender Tutorial: Another Coffee Cup (Easy Handle)”

  1. Well, I've gotta thank you for helping me make my first thing that looks like a thing. Spent many hours in the deep end without knowing the basic, so after stepping back and making lots of small not too difficult shapes, this was my first render so thanks for making it enjoyable as well.

  2. Ive followed this tutorial exactly but for some reason the cup doesn't seem to be blue when i switch to rendered mode. Any explanation as to why this might be happening? It doesnt render any material colour

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