Blender Tutorial : Chair Modeling

Tutorial from

Guilherme Henrique brings us some architectural visualization prop knowledge in this Barcelona Chair modeling walkthrough.


Can be found as a written tutorial here…


22 responses to “Blender Tutorial : Chair Modeling”

  1. This is a great tutorial. It worked for me once, and the next time I tried it, the middle face of the plane, when i disable porportional editing it only lifts the middle and outside faces with it. The very outer sides stay still. The middle mouse wheel doesnt bring up the circle. Any ideas? When I enable proportional editing, the whole plane moves.

  2. 8:40 doesnΒ΄t work for me? You just have to push E and Ctrl, and then it snaps to the nearest vertice? Well it wasnΒ΄t a big Problem but it is helpful and I wanna know it.
    Also, I just noticed that I can finally use the hotkey for origin (Alt+Shift+Strg+C) because I guess my old Keyboard didnΒ΄t Support 4-key rollover πŸ˜€ But now my G910 does.

  3. why the &@^#&#
    did I not find you sooner!!!!

    this helps tons 😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚
    no homo…😐

  4. Not entirely sure why, but when I add a lattice it hikes my memory from 80mb to 4 gigs locking my poor laptop. Also, when you're selecting the buttons to hide, why does it 'selecting similar' randomly select vertices and/or faces that have nothing to do with your selection? I've had to de-select verts nowhere near any buttons before hiding them. Perhaps my Blender is just quirky.

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