Blender Tutorial For Beginners: 3D text
This Blender video demonstrates how to make 3D text using the cycles render engine. Blender version 2.64 was used for this tutorial. This is a good tutorial for beginners.

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37 responses to “Blender Tutorial For Beginners: 3D text”

  1. How do your two texts match up perfectly as opne you have moved the characters closer together with offset and the other etxt is plain with no offset. But they match up… How? My texts will not perfectly match and so i cannot progress past that point.

  2. Actually this might be helpful to you that i say, if you hold down shift and click F, you'd be free to move the camera around just like you're in a 3d game, and while this is toggled, you can click TAP once to enable gravity and be able to walk like a normal game character and use the W A S D keys to move and only the mouse movement to look around without needing to hold anything down, this helps you alot with getting the angle you want PERFECTLY and more accurately, and left click to exit this mode and access the other stuff back, if this mode is togelled, you'd ONLY be able to move, no modification no nothing, till u left click! just pointing this out!!!

  3. Dude just saying tutor4u, you do good videos but why do you keep on changing the blender type its kind of annoying so you should stop it and also can you sub to me i subbed to you so its a fair trade.

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