This Blender video demonstrates how to make text with a material that I call the Candy Effect. Blender version 2.79b was used for this tutorial. This video shows techniques that may be helpful to beginners and intermediate users.
Blender website
29 responses to “Blender Tutorial for Beginners: Candy Effect”
Hey guys, I want someone to make an animation for me. I will be paying for the services. anyone want to make it for me?
Excellent and incredible Tutorials. Great help for Beginners. Thank you.
This was really good. Thanks a lot for the easy tutorial
I made a little animation in blender:
It's the first one I've made myself
Wow, that's very good. Congrats! Keep doing more videos because you are very talented and people like me can learn a lot with you. Thanks God you exist!
i did it, but my backgroung turnout black, any idea how to change background color
This looks so clean! I love your tutorials man. They're so easy to follow and you don't take up any extra time.
another great well paced tutorial Thanks
Tut – you are BEST teacher.
Next good tutorial idea, setting up network render.
are you going to start 2.8 or wait until its flushed out?
I hope very much that the owner of this channel is healthy and happy! I am worried
Hey man, can you make tutorial creating grass please?
Hey tutor4u, I'm thinking about making a career out of 3D modeling. Where would you suggest I should take the first step? And where would I be able to apply the knowledge from this video? I'm really stumped and I lost some motivation because I don't know where to start, what college courses to take and what job I would be able to get when I learn this.
lovely! So easily you explained.
After watching lots of other online courses, in all topics of the web, I have to say. You sir know how to construct tutorials. I was in a rut some time ago, and gave up school entirelly, but after I came across your tutorials by accident, I picked up interest for both web development and 3D modelling which then led me to finally pick up a bachelors degree in webdev. Thank you!
Yuhu thank you so much
Thank you so much for your amazing tutorials, I really enjoyed watching and apply it in a professional way while it's my first time to work in blender.
Thank you again for sharing your knowledge.
olá quero te agradecer, , apesar de n falar teu idioma eu aprendo através das dicas do mause teus tutoriais são sempre inovadores vc sempre mostra efeitos novos, valeu
Thank you. You are a great teacher. Hope you can upload tutorials in modelling a character.
Your content is very useful and the delivery method is very easy to understand. I hope you continue to add more collection of tutorials on blender 3d. If I may request, please provide a tutorial for modeling characters. Thank you very much for your contribution to learning about blender 3d.
Well I found free $1426a money making system that is really working for me>>> Woow amazing….thanks.
Is it possible to make something like this in blender?
I have learned so much from your videos. I love your work!
Please can you show us how to model complex stuffs like cars. I wan't to learn your approach of modelling which is always easy and more professional way of doing things.
Very clear tutorial!! Thank you so much!!
Thank you so much! You are the best! This is my second week with Blender and I looooooooooooooove your tutorials.
I would like a video of modeling/virtualize a head. My personal goal is to place my own head on the player model of my favorite shooter game but never mind. The thing is i like the way you explain every step and a detailed head would take too long but i just wanna understand the basics.
and here.