Blender Tutorial – Labels and Different Materials on one object

Hey everybody! 😀
So today I wanna show some homies how to get labels on bottles and different materials, also embedded glass bonus!

The goals is to give the most efficient way of doing this, not to provide a solid tutorial of how to achieve a great bottle (because let’s be honest here I suck at making labels)

technique can also be used for decals, stickers and all that.

also check out for awesome lighting

have fun! 😀


36 responses to “Blender Tutorial – Labels and Different Materials on one object”

  1. You could have done this entire tutorial with just ONE UV. You can use multiple materials/textures without having more than one set of UVs! You can make a cube for example, have six textures (one on each side) and even one side with a logo texture over another textuer (7 total textures) with just ONE UV. How? More than one material/shader.

    Keep in mind that first you can only have 8 UV (but unlimited textures/materials), second each time you make a UV it adds UV coordinates for ALL of the vertices in your mesh, selected or not.

    What most people do is use ONE UV (except in rare occasions and usually NOT in games), then they use MANY materials which they then bake (to reduce drawcalls in a game engine because each material causes the object to redraw itself) out their Difuse, Normal, Ambient, Specular, etc Texture maps. So many Youtube videos do this same mistake, its like nobody knows what the difference is between a texture map and UV coordinates, so they keep propagating this same incorrect info 🙁

  2. Love and liked this video! Hey buddy, please how do i uv wrap and image on top another uv wraped image texture? The reason is that on my label there are parts that should be gold which means they have to be separate glossy images on top of my main label

  3. For the displacement now in Blender 2.7 ish you can use the Dynamic Topo tools to add the glass stamp to "make it real", use a sculpt mode texture stamp, essentially., and it will only add additional tris on the mesh where you need them

  4. Great tutorial, and extremely helpful. You got me 90% of the way to where I needed to be. Working with more recent Blender, you don't have to worry about repeating images. Not sure when it changed, but there's an extra field, now, in the Image Texture node that lets you pick Repeat, Extend, or Clip. Setting it to "Clip" will keep the image from repeating, so you can just dump the un-used UVs completely off the image. Also, for Vector input to the image node, there is a new "UVMap" input node that takes care of picking which UV map you're using (no copy/paste needed—it comes up with the list of UVs). It also takes care of the coordinate mapping, so you don't need the coordinate node.

    I'm going to have to experiment with it more, but I have been able to unwrap ONLY the faces I want to map, and not even bother with the rest of the faces (shrinking and dragging them off, etc). It's finicky, (I haven't figured out a way to remove unwanted faces from the UV map) but I'll figure out how it works.

  5. This node tree is great for rendering images but I can't seem to find a way to unify the UV maps in the DATA to transfer to a game that needs one UV Map for the label and the embed technique. Suggestions? Thank you!

  6. Can you tell how to do this in blender render to? i wonder cause i want to be able to export my model like obj file for game engines. I not found any way of doing that when making in blender cycle.

  7. Hello I have liked your video, it is quite good . but I must add one thing about the last option you use. If you want a "real" displacement with nodes you need more subdivisions like you have said in the video furthermore select the option of experimental options if you want this characteristic works. you should explain that in other time.

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