Bootstrap 3 Tutorial Pt.12 – CSS Transform & Transition Effects


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In this installment of our Bootstrap 3 tutorial, we add CSS transform and transition effects to our thumbnail images on our Bootstrap website. We apply a transform scale of 1.1 along with an eased transition of 0.3 seconds. Finally, we apply a hidden overflow to our thumbnail class to ensure the images remain within our thumbnail border.

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16 responses to “Bootstrap 3 Tutorial Pt.12 – CSS Transform & Transition Effects”

  1. Your vid are really great. I am a beginner. I just learned html and css. from other website. I tought i had to work with ugly forever. UNtil i found you video. I like to way you talk( no homo) really nice.

  2. Hey Christopher I really appreciate you making these videos! I have one quick question. When I hover over the paragraphs under the thumbnails they seem to be underlined. Do you know how to fix this issue? Thanks for all your help.

  3. HI, love your tutorials they are so clear and useful. One problem I am having however is that the CSS transforms do not seem to work when I try them in my bootstrap template site. I started from scratch and just added thumbnails and still can't get the transforms to work

  4. Absolutely one  of the most practical end interesting course I've ever seen for strengthen the basics of web development. thanks man, you're  a nice teacher.

    Keep making' videos!!!!!

  5. Hi Christopher, thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge with the world.

    Great tutorial, nice rhythm and really useful contents 😉

    I'll be tuned for more 🙂

    Cheers from Portugal

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