Bootstrap 4 Sidebar Menu Responsive with Sub menu


Bootstrap 4 Sidebar Menu Responsive with Submenu

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30 responses to “Bootstrap 4 Sidebar Menu Responsive with Sub menu”

  1. It's amazing video really you made my life very simple by showing how to make menu from left to right with using JavaScript , in Bootstrap because on the YouTube everyone can create normal menu but creating or manupulating bootstrap really has been very tough part and I had been looking this type of video for past six month but could not get anything, I have created very awesome website but not able to put this functionality left to right ,navbar in Bootstrap , thanx for making my life easier , And it shows that you have very vast knowledge of Bootstrap . Thanks for creating this awesome video for us , I am writing from bottom of my ❤️ thanks you solved my all problem.

  2. Hello FrontEndFunn.. this was very nice tutorial… I am looking for creating the same structure inside the html page as a left tree menu.. so on click on one main link on my nav bar, I would like to show this tree menu on left and main html body on right hand.. do you have a video for that requirement..?

  3. Hi, thanks for tutorial. but i've got some problem
    I use ruby on rails, I put the JS to application.js
    so far so good but when I deploy, I've tried in my phone, the burger menu is not work in chrome, also in my safari
    and when I click one of the links in the burger menu and move to other page, burger menu will closed but it doesn't work anymore unless I refresh the page.
    any idea why?

    edit: the bootstrap that i used is Bootstrap 4.0

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