Create an Underground Subway Scene in Blender – Part 1 of 2

Blender Tutorial:

In this tutorial you will discover:

How to quickly model a tunnel and train tracks
How to use the array and curve modifier
How to use dupliframes to quickly create copies of lamps


42 responses to “Create an Underground Subway Scene in Blender – Part 1 of 2”

  1. How come every time I add a curve modifier, the object moves when I tab into and out of edit mode? How do I make an object like this that doesn't do this? Need to know how to fix what I already have and also how to make things from the start that don't have this problem.

  2. I much prefer a tutorial that has a split sections of video to make it shorter (the shorter the better), since not everyone have a stable internet connection to load the whole video.

  3. Hah, that "delete every other vertices" when creating the grill for the lamp… It's kind like Bob Ross smearing colors all over, then takes out the big, fat brush, does three strokes and BOOM. Drops the mi… brush. Thanks for a great tutorial!

  4. FYI the 3rd rail powers the train, and it shouldn't look like a smaller version of the train rail, at least not in NYC. It looks more like a sandwich which allows the train's motor connection to swipe through and pull power.

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