Creating a Responsive Design Website using Bootstrap in Dreamweaver 2017 for beginners


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7 responses to “Creating a Responsive Design Website using Bootstrap in Dreamweaver 2017 for beginners”

  1. Worrying, this guy really doesn't know what he's doing too much. There are better video's on YouTube that have some insight into web development and best practices. Sorry brutal, but true

  2. Great voice, great video and clever source editing. Too fast for this intermediate, though. Consider telling a little more about WHY you are doing WHAT, rather than just doing it because you know it looks/works good.

    i.e. _ "Now since I want this part to drop under here on the smaller display, I need to do ____ in the css file, here."

    The most difficult thing about videos that are trying to show you how fast something can be done is that they fail to consider how fast something can be taught, and that is 'losing sight of the goal.'

    I am VERY impressed with your creation speed, but frustrated by your teaching methods.

  3. -Hello Patrick, thank you for the tutorial. However, I am having trouble having the responsivemid.css file you had at the beginning. When I save the new bootstrap file it does not ask me to save to a location and I end up with only 4 bars on top. Could you help me please?

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