Disney Cycles Shader: Updated


ANNOUNCEMENT: The ONELVXE Material Pipeline has been released! Get the new and improved version of this shader here: http://www.onelvxe.com/material-pipeline

The coveted Disney Shader, in all of its glory!
To download the shader, go here: http://www.onelvxe.com/ubershaderbeta

This is an Uber Shader that can be used to craft nearly any material imaginable including: non-metals (dielectrics), metals with anisotropy, car-paint, glass/refractive materials, skin (SSS), emission type materials, and nature type materials. The Custom Shader uses many of the same principles as the Disney Shader and implements some PBR Workflows to push realism within Cycles.

Please download the .blend file for Beta testing and to use the shader in your projects. This shader is part of a much larger Blender Cycles Material Addon that is currently in development. While it will be a paid addon, all Beta Testers will receive 50% off the price of the full addon!

Thank you for your support! Report any issues in the BlenderArtists thread here:

CynicatPro’s PBR Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlH00768JwqG4__RRtKACofTztc0Owys8


24 responses to “Disney Cycles Shader: Updated”

  1. I still think cycles can produce some great shaders that can emulate real world textures but this is not real world we are dealing with it is digital…no matter what shader we are using it will always be digital. Great work on making this but I am staying with the hard work that the designers of cycles made. IF you can master cycles as it is you can create any shader that you desire that looks as good as you desire. Not poo pooing your efforts but I think Blender Cycles does great as of 2.77a. I just have tried all the render plugins and have always went back to stock Cycles shaders. I remember when LUX was the great addon but everyone has fallen back to the node setup of cycles. Some of the node setups can get really complicated but the results are the just as good as any plugin can provide. I mean if you want to get way off into shaders like Synicat then maybe ok but for the fairly fast paced user built in Cycles nodes are fantastic. Thanks for your time! :O

  2. I am pretty new to shaders and such. I downloaded the file. Where do we submit questions and such when testing this? And what is the estimated cost? Is this the same as the shader addon to be released on July 1st? I went to the buy now on your site and was prompted for a password…but i saw no place to sign up. Will you have a small user manual for novices such as myself?r should i just look at this vid over and over until it sinks in. I am guessing that to use this I simply open the blender file I just downloaded and then bring in or append my own object?

    See you can tell just how little I am familiar with shaders and nodes. Looks promising though. Thanks for your efforts on this.

  3. Just tried the car paint settings on beta v0.5 (metallic on, roughness 0.5, specular 0.3, clearcoat on) and it didn't work for me. I noticed on the video, you did not have anything plugged in to the roughness socket on the reflection node, but in v0.5 which I downloaded on 11 June at around 14h00 (South Africa time), it still had a roughness input to that socket. Once that was disconnected, it worked fine.

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