In part three of this #Maya #rigging #tutorial, we add stretch functionality to the limbs.
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16 responses to “Flexible Rig | Part 3 | Stretchy Limbs”
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hello brother i have followed your tutorial but arms are not stretching in my rigging process first term value is 14.575 and second term value is 4.902 and color if true value = 2.973 that is greater than color if false =1 what should i do please help me
Hello! I have a question. Instead of creating the arm root controller, can I use the translate values of the shoulder joint instead to find the total distance from the root of the joint to the locator?
Hello Sir, I have been following Your Tutorials for quite a some time now. I have successfully made the stretchy arm rig with the exact way You have shown us. But for one thing the stretchy rig is not working properly. Every time I am trying to rotate the Wrist Controller the Elbow joints ( the bind one ) is flicking abruptly. It's not staying in the place but when I am trying to move the Wrist Controller ( for stretching) the Elbow joints is behaving normally ( the stretch is working fine ). The Shoulder_Ik is working properly with the pole vector
I don't know what causing the problem. I have been troubleshooting the problem ever since. Please Help……!!!
Thank You
very nice thanks
You mention you could use a set driven key to control the operation of the condition node, but I don't get the option when I try to set it up (can key every other part of the condition node except this). I'm having to use the expression editor and if else statements instead but would love to know if there's an easier way
UPDATE: worked it out – in set driven key you need to click options and tick "show non-keyable attributes", then connect your stretch switch to the condition operation as normal. Despite claiming it's non-keyable it works 🙂
Hello, Thanks for all your great videos first ! I've got a little problem. Everything's working but my elbow reation's is really strange when i'm streching my arm. It does'nt strech straight but my elbow is folding at the same time. I tried to delete my pole vector constraint and nothing's changing. Do you have any idea of what's happening? Thanks a lot for your time 🙂
First thanks for your work and everything that you do for us, but I kind have an issue with that part of the tutorial. When I'm linking the "l_arm_stretch_dist" to the condition node (time code : 8:30), the "unit conversion" node does not appear, so it gives me strange values, and I end up with bugs and the stretching not working.
Thanks again for everything
Well made tutorials, thanks for them! However, if we wanted to have the knees/elbows at a specfic spot and planted in this spot, how would we go about doing this within this rig set up? Will you perhaps make a tutorial acknowledging his in the future? Thanks!
Hey, thanks for the tutorials! i've tried some others before, this is definately the most informative and helpful ones that i've seen, you are really making it very easy to unterstand, and I appreciate it a lot.
I've encountered an issue when trying to make the arm stretchy – it's either strechy but the arm doesn't straighten up all the way, and after it crosses the maximum scale mark it goes back to its natural folded state, or the elbow ik is stretching, but the shoulder ik doesn't. I've made sure that all of the connections are correct, the local rotation axis are facing the correct direction, I've tried using locators instead of the joints and correcting their local rotation axis, made sure that the numbers are almost or exactly the same and that the divided numbers giving me a result of 1 in the condition. I followed your guide one for one, on several scenes, clean and with the character that i'm working on but still didn't get the same results. Do you have any ideas why would it behave that way?
//Warning: Cycle on " expression3.output[o]" may not eavaluate as expected. (Use "cycleCheck -e off" disable this warning ).
how will i solve this problem ? please tell me
i tried connecting world matricx of joint to in matrix distace node
Hello there! First of all, thank you so much for the tutorials!! They´re the best rigging tutorials I´ve found online so far, even better than some I´ve paid for.
I have a question that I hope you can answer, when starting to do the Stretchy arm, on the Node Editor, I cannot connect the World Matrix to de Distance Between node, it gives me an error message that just tells me it´s not possible to connect. I really don´t know why as I believe I´ve followed your same exact steps, so I hope you know a reason why this is happening. Thank you very much in advance! 🙂
Hey antCGI, your videos are an amazing wealth of inspiration and information that saved me many night of hair splitting: if you dont mind me asking though, are you planning on doing to a tutorial for match ik to FK poses like this?
Just because every professional rigger I've talked to recommended showing off a scripting tool to match IK to FK poses
This video is of low quality?
Please upload it again.
Your videos are awesome and we'll explained….Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us… Please keep on sharing… You have won a loyal subscriber… I'll be glad to see cool animation tutorials like for human and animal walk cycles and so on…. God bless you.