Welcome to part 1 of a new series where I will create a full stack web application using Vue.js and Express.js 00:00 Project description 6:35 Git Setup 17:47 Backend setup 36:40 Register page…
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Full Stack Web App using Vue.js & Express.js: Part 1 – Intro

27 responses to “Full Stack Web App using Vue.js & Express.js: Part 1 – Intro”
package.json scripts from video didn't work for me, but the following from Cody's Github package.json file did:
"scripts": {
"start": "nodemon src/app.js –exec "npm run lint && node"",
"lint": "eslint src/**/*.js"
maybe will help someone
the piece in the –exec part doesnt run it says npm is not recognized as an internal or external command
after running npm start it says "." is not recognized as internal or external command
Thanks so much for the awesome tutorial
Question about the npm start scripts in package.json. Why? And it doesn't work in my project.
Changed to : "start":"npm run lint && node ./node_modules/nodemon/bin/nodemon.js src/app.js ",
"lint":"./node_modules/.bin/eslint **/*.js"
It works
Thanks for the tutorial. I am currently shifting from using Meteor to MEVN stack. This was very useful to learn how to initiate such a stack.
Tried a few tutorials before this must admit the video is clear and informative, first time i grasped the concept, I come from ruby/python background so javascript is challenging to me. Brilliant video
this is an amazing tutorial!!I benefited a lot from it.thanks for this great tutorial, thanks for your work
Having issues sending request when clicking submit. I get an error saying "Unhandled promise rejection". any ideas why?
Hi – getting this error after all the steps done to 31:20 in the video:
'9:1 error Parsing error: Unexpected token app'
Any help is appreciated!
great information! loved how you present what is happening.
Wow! I didn't think that I could watch the video till the end, but I could. Because the video is really interesting and easy to understand. Great, I liked it
What the name of program you using to test GET POST from the back-end ? (at 33.16)
Very impressive! Thank you so much!
Setting up .gitignore is important
Can you please help me with the post function. I get <pre>Cannot POST /register</pre>, when i did /status it worked perfectly, but for some reason post will not work for me.
git add . is the same as –all, isnt't it?
Last 5 minutes of the video, I hit the register button and I get these errors:
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Network Error
at createError (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js:16)
at XMLHttpRequest.handleError (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/xhr.js:87)
Can't figure out what's causing them since I'm pretty new and have no idea where I'd look to even fix the issue. What's weird is I've got all the exact same code as the guy in the video. My node server DOES NOT respond when I click the register button.
Hi , thanks a lot , Can the starter take this course?
Great Tutorial — it has taken me farther than anything else I've found.
I have a .vue file being displayed but now I want to use a dialog from Vuetify to edit one row in the data. So I need to pass data into the dialog which isn't covered anywhere I can find. I'd prefer to pass an object of data into the dialog for editing than put the ID into a store, query the DB to get the required data (again) and then query again when I save on the dialog and go back to the calling page. Any thoughts??
What would be the best approach to have two different html files for markup (index.html – for publicly available pages, but dashboard.html – for authorised users). Two parts of the app would use custom <head> part and maybe have some class names to body etc., therefore I would like to split those two .html markups in two different files, but where do I have to reference them, that from route /admin I have to use Admin component, which have to be autoinjected in dashboard.html file.
Is it even possible with the setup in these tutorials?
Great tutorial! Honestly, if you are going to make a paid course like this with some advanced expressjs/vuejs stuff in it, you got my wallet:)
Hi! need a help. When I -> npm start in server folder, I've got this message
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! server@1.0.0 start: `./node_modules/nodemon/bin/nodemon.js src/app.js –exec 'npm run lint && node'`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the server@1.0.0 start script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! C:UsersspinnAppDataRoamingnpm-cache_logs2018-03-25T09_28_38_780Z-debug.log
What am I doing wrong ?? Thanks.
Great tutorial thank you!
I have an issue though – unable to get the backend server running on http://localhost:8081/status. I just get
"This site can’t be reached
localhost refused to connect."
Am I missing something?
This tutorial helped me so much! Nobody else shows how to properly build a stack with vuejs and express.
Please make a vuejs course for Udemy (paid) from A to Z. You explain things very well. Everyone can code but can't teach! If you got time, please make more vuejs videos. I appreciate for your effort.