This is the first Episode of the video series where I’m teaching the basics of Photoshop for Photographers.
In my opinion, “Layers” is the bedrock of Photoshop. In this episode, I introduce and explain layers and talk about three of the more popular things you can do with layers in Photoshop.
Watch all of the videos in this series here:
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21 responses to “Getting Started in Photoshop – Episode 1: Layers Overview”
As always, so helpful, clear and effective. Thanks again!
Thank you !!!!
You are amazing! Thank you for helping begginner photographer understand and see that anything is possible. Knowledge is power!
Anthony you are the best teacher.Thank you very much.*-*
Well Anthony. At long last you have me totally unstuck. I’ve Religiously followed & saved all your Lightroom tutorials and I’m at the point of now following your Photoshop training. Make ‘em easy for me Anthony. Remember I’m older than you & not as smart. I’m in for the long haul & I’m determined to not let you down & not to let myself down. Thanks Anthony. Neville J. The Old Aussie.
How do I turn off those annoying, disruptive, in-video ads?
So happy I found this. Thank you!
You started out so well, then you lost me. Every video I watch about Layers the tutor goes too far, I'm trying to figure them out ( actually I've been trying for years ) and the tutorial either goes 2 steps instead of a baby step or, tells me a whole lot of info that isn't relevant to beginners and I get lost.

I'm so frustrated
Still what layers are
really looking forward to this, I loved this Thank you
Very easy to follow. Thank you Anthony
Seriously… who are the 9 people that thumbs downed this video… it is very simple and incredibly helpful. Thanks for posting this Anthony!!!
Determined to really get to grips with layers in PS and this was a great start
This is what I need. Thank you for posting it.
Thanks yet again, Anthony. You are excellent!!
Good teacher with a voice that keeps me interested. I'll be watching many more of his videos. Thank you Anthony.
Loved it Anthony. Was looking for exactly sth like this as a beginner. Can't wait to go through all the episodes. THANK YOU.
Thanks man! Looking forward to this series!
You're amazing! You make this very easy to grasp. Thank you for taking the time to teach us !
Another well explained and easy to follow tutorial, thanks !