How to Correctly Use Metal Textures in Blender

Blender tutorial showing how to use the metal textures correctly in Poliigon. Using these textures off Poliigon:


29 responses to “How to Correctly Use Metal Textures in Blender”

  1. Awesome tutorial, now I have this nifty sci-fi metal door for my ship to come out of. One thing that you didn't mention in the tutorial is that you have to UV unwrap the objects that you want to apply the texture to.

  2. Nice Tutorial and website!
    Some metals, like "MetalMachiningLines001" have basically black Color maps.
    How do i use them? when i plug them in i tried everything, but the material is super dark, isntead of metal like.

  3. I want to use this but I need clarification please. I'm making a game and when I went to the website to download this version it said things including about how it could like crash and stuff. I just don't want to work on something and then proof it's gone.

  4. Cool! Only a question, I did excact the same thing as you did in this video. In the object preview the texture looks the same as you created it. Only in the render its gray with a lot of pixels and a littlebit white noise. Do you know how I can solve that?

  5. Hi guys, could you please help me? I don't know which version of those materials to download. I tried metalness workflow, created cube and sphere, created new material, created principled shader node. Now when I plug in image texture, select MetalRustRepolished001_COL_1K_METALNESS.jpg and plug it to base color of principled shader, I don't see any 'rusty parts'. The color seems to change, but it looks like no actual image data are loaded. Do I need some sort of helmet model, or should it work on say basic sphere too ?

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