How to create a 3D Logo in Blender

Hey, guys! Since a long time ago, I keep getting emails from people asking me how I made the old blendtuts logo intro. I finally decided to go ahead and create a tutorial about the logo creation.

Original Post at blendtuts:

Note: The tutorial assumes that you have your own logo or any image that you can use as a reference!


43 responses to “How to create a 3D Logo in Blender”

  1. Since all logos should already be vectors it's easier to just import the SVG. If not it's actually faster to recreate the logo in Inkscape and import. You are always going to want your logo as a vector anyway so you can change the size without quality loss so it fits an ink pen or scales up to fit the side of a skyscraper. Blender handles SVG very well and lets you extrude and bevel before making it a mesh. Also Inkscape can vectorize simple bitmaps easy and it saves a lot of time. Same result just a faster workflow.

  2. For Blender 2.7+: You need to push 5 on your numpad for orthographic view, not 7(7 is for top view). If you don't have a numpad, in your Info window(typically located at the very top) go to File>User Preferences>Input Tab and check "Emulate Numpad". This will allow you to use the number keys above your QWERTY keys as your numpad. Click "Save User Settings" and close out of the User Preferences window.

  3. I was disappointed not to see animation tut that was showed in the begining .. I actually came here to see the camera work in Logo animation but it all ended with only Logo making .. But it was a great tutorial neverthless ! That modelling using bezier gave me a lot of ideas ..

  4. i have a problem. the main part i made doesn't show up filled when i make it 2d. everything is connected. with main part i mean in this video the firts square wich contains the letters. so i thought it might because of a different version. but when i finished it one of the letters that one was filled up. So i don't really get why this is happening.

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