How to model and bake models for games in Blender.
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“Heavy Heart” Kevin MacLeod (
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46 responses to “How to create game assets in Blender”
Right away I recognised you as a Finn from your accent!
Kiva tietää, et on muitaki suomalaisia jotka osaa mallintaa Blenderillä
12:11 hahah
thanks man nice tutorial
Very good tutorial indeed! And the fact that there is no need to use substsnce painter makes it even better! (Nothing against painter, I just wanted to see a complete workflow inside blender)
I've learnt more shortcuts there than any other video. Thank you for your time, and I love your accent !
When I apply my texture I have the same size and rotation issue at 10:50, but when I tweak the values of the mapping node nothing happens. Is it a setting issue or an issue with the texture? I got both the textures I tried from
The low poly barrel looks better imo. Thanks for the tutorial.
Thanks for the tutorial! Kept me from going into rage mode while trying to create some placeholder game assets for prototyping.
Hi, very nice tutorial but at 7:31 how you create a cube with a sphere inside, every time i create a cube i don't have any sphere inside :/ Thank you
Well I know I couldn't do a blender tutorial, and I really couldn't do one in a different language. You're doing great.
Your skills are very good but in explaining are not that good… But I liked your video tutorial… thumbs up for me my friend…
Wow, you are so skilled! Great tutorial.
Wow can hardly tell the difference between the high and low poly count models. Great work.
Nice. Thank you for sharing this
If I create an asset in blender, can I import it to unity?
Very good knowledge , but poor tutorial
Пиздец у тебя голос, я думал ты сдохнешь посреди тутора.
Hi, I honestly don't understand the shrink wrapping part you did. My barrel ended up becoming a weird shape after I followed the steps of your method. What is the point of the shrinkwrap anyway?
Great video thank you for your time. I didn't have any problems with your accent, you have got to love the haters lol and please keep your tutorials coming.
Hey,l do you like spaceships games?
I knew that triangle fan on the top and bottom would cause trouble. I always do Quads there and never do fan. In other programs that fan triangle shows up very bad when trying to add material . Great tutorial
Great man, but… 21.000 verts… are you really calling this barrel "lowpoly"? O.o in my opinion a lowpoly barrel should be 150/200 verts ahahah
Hello wonderfull knowledge sharing!
Already doing the same for my own assets but need to do it with 3 more textures and cant find out how to mix the texture alphas in node editor when there is 2 more of them like metal, fabric, wood, stone, glass QQ. Any tips? :S
Thanks. I have no idea how to create normal maps til now. But can you create Normal maps manually with image editing applications only? to save time by not creating High poly object just the low poly.
Greate work dude, keep it up!
Please keep posting more videos about creating assets.
Thanks for this tutorial, but you go too fast for me ;(
Amazing. I am truly amazed. You make it look so easy. How did you learn blender? Self taught?
What are the reasons for making a low poly and high poly? Is the low poly for in-game use, and the high poly for animations? Good tutorial by the way.
Awesome tutorial! But you seemed so stressed, so you were talking so fast, next time you do one talk a litttle bit slower, it'll improve your content d: But still great! Keep up
When I press F6 nothing happens can anyone tell me why?
Sinä kuulet loppuun, joten halusin sanoa, että tämä on hämmästyttävä opetusohjelma!
There's no UV Squares in Blender 2.79.
Any other alternatives?
Great tutorial. Dude is so funny thou. I couldn't stop laughing when he had the issue with the broken vertices trying to figure out what was happening. The point when he pinched the center bottom vertice with the ones on top is remarkable. And he has a very funny accent too. Like and subscribe…!
Great tutorial dude!, but your blender is different, how can I get tha new colors fonts?
very nice!
Are you okay? You sound nervous. Great tutorial!
25:45 if you enable "keep above surface" in the shrinkwrap modifier it may help make sure the low poly objects stays above the high poly object.
Link to the wood texture:
Do you think you have saved enough times? xD I stopped counting after like 15 saves but you must have saved more than 60 times.
The top and bottom could use the same uv by using "Project from view" from top view.
see me result: I think thant stencil map is very big, i don't know,… but is beautiful!
thanks MrSorbias
bless you :')
30:25 do you have to put bump as displacement, or can you put the bump through a normal map and plug into the normal input of the diffuse shader? Generally speaking that produces better shading, but maybe it messes up the baking?
so unconvenient in blender… holy crap